The Zebra plant is one of the more challenging green pets to grow indoors. It's a slow-growing plant that will reward its owner with bright flowers and luscious foliage.
Zebra Plant Care
Aphelandra squarrosa

The Zebra plant is native to Brazil and enjoys a tropical environment. It has wide green leaves decorated with white veins. The stems of these plants have a purple hue to them. In summer and early fall, the plant produces big yellow flowers. Zebra plants are not toxic, which makes them the perfect houseplant for a family with pets or kids!
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How to Care for the Plant
Aphelandra squarrosa is a tropical plant. Therefore it prefers humid environments. We recommend keeping the soil moist but not soggy. Check the potting mix before pouring your green pet a drink. Water thoroughly, and let the excess liquid flow from the drainage holes. Use lukewarm water to imitate tropical rains.
You have to cut off spent flowers using clean and sharp tools. We recommend leaving only two layers of foliage and removing the rest once the bracts die off. It will prevent your Zebra plant from getting leggy and unruly.
Zebra plants can greatly benefit from weekly feeding during the growing season. Use general all-purpose fertilizer diluted to half strength. Check the instructions to get the correct frequency of use.
In nature, Zebra plants grow in the shade of bigger trees. Therefore, you must replicate their natural habitat to make your green pet happy. Provide bright indirect sunlight and partial shade. Unfortunately, the direct sun might scorch the tender leaves, and full shade will prevent your Zebra plant from blooming.
You can prepare a substrate from equal parts of garden ground, sand, humus, and peat. Alternatively, you can use a general potting mix and adjust it with some sand or perlite to improve drainage.
To propagate the Zebra plant, use stem cuttings in spring. After cutting your new future plant, please place it in moist soil and keep it in a warm space. We also recommend placing plastic wrap over the pot to increase humidity. The roots will develop within the next month, so keep an eye out for new growth!
Aphelandra squarrosa is thermophilic and grows well at normal room temperatures of 68-77˚ F (20-25˚ C). However, it won't manage well in constantly cold environments. Keep the temperature above 55˚F (12˚C). Avoid placing the pot with your Zebra plant in a spot with many drafts.
We recommend using tall pots with drainage holes. Zebra plants don't need regular repotting, but it's advisable to change the potting mix every 2-3 years.
Fun fact
Zebra plants are used in different countries for medical and culinary purposes. For example, Jamaicans use these plants to treat high blood pressure and cold, and Mexicans prepare a drink Matali made out of sweetened leaves.
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