Another big, beautiful bird's nest Anthurium found from Mexico to Costa Rica! It produces very large, dark green leaves with undulate (ruffled) edges a prominent midrib and leaf veins. The spadix (inflorescence containing heaps of tiny flowers) is a deep purple with a green spadix (leaf or petal looking thing around the spadix) and can be nearly 30cm long!
Bird Nest Anthurium Care
Anthurium Schlechtendalii

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How to Care for the Plant
Wait until the top few centimetres of potting media has dried out before watering heavily. These plants will require regular watering to keep them moist however they should be potted in a very light, coarse media to ensure adequate drainage and prevent them becoming waterlogged.
Lots of bright indirect light and a humid position is great for these beauties!
Soil typeLoam, Sand
They are pretty tolerant of cooler temperatures and can be grown outdoors in most Sydney suburbs that don't experience regular winter frosts.
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