Fennel is an easy-to-grow perennial herb that can make a lovely ornamental addition to your garden. This plant is low-maintenance but might become invasive if not controlled.
Commonly known as Fennel, Foeniculum Vulgare is a perennial plant that can be easily mistaken with its close relative, the Florence Fennel (F. Vulgare var. Azoricum), which is commonly grown as an annual. In cold climates, Herb Fennel can also be a yearly plant.
Foeniculum Vulgare is native to southern Europe, where the natives of Egypt have used it for hundreds of years. The people believed that Fennel held magical properties and would bring prosperity and good luck if you hung the plant in your home or above your bed.
Fennel is a culinary herb that can be a great addition to various dishes. But Herb Fennel also makes a beautiful decorative plant in your garden.
Healthy mature plants can sprout a tall yellow flower during the growing season (May to October). These beautiful umbrella-shaped blooms are one of the main characteristics that Fennel is grown for. They can reach 8 feet (2.5 meters) tall. So, if you want to add a unique vertical element to your garden design, Fennel might be the right choice.