This beauty will definitely refresh the vibe of your garden. It’s one of the least troublesome plants, requiring next to no care. It’s quite pricey, though, but worth the buck.
Sentry Palm Plant Care
Howea belmoreana
Other names: Belmore Sentry, Curly Palm

Sentry Palm is closely related to Kentia Palm but tends to be less popular. That is because Sentry palm tends to grow larger and requires more space. So, it’s a better fit for an outdoor garden, not a pot. The main visual difference is somewhat curved and stiff leaflets in the case of Sentry palm. Kentia, on the other hand, has softer and flatter fronds.
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How to Care for the Plant
Water the plant regularly, keeping the soil consistently moist but not soggy. Reduce watering in winter, when the plant is dormant. Sentry palm doesn’t like dryness, and you’ll notice brown tips on the fronds if you’re not giving your palm enough water. If you’re keeping it in a heated or air-conditioned room, mist the plant occasionally.
You only need to cut off old and dry fronds to keep your plant nice and pretty. To prevent damage to stems, prune the plant with scissors instead of pulling off the leaves by hand.
A liquid general or palm fertilizer once every few months is optimal. Do not fertilize in winter.
Indirect light is ideal. Place your plant in a semi-bright spot. This plant doesn’t tolerate direct sunlight.
An all-purpose mix rich in organic matter will work. Keep in mind that the soil should be well-draining but not too heavy or sandy.
These plants are very expensive because they’re so difficult to propagate. The only viable way to do that is by seed, and seeds need high temperature and a long time (months!) to germinate. Plus, you probably won’t find seeds in stores. So, sadly, with this plant, it’s better to just go and buy another one.
Room temperature from 15°C (59 °F) to 25°C (77°F) is perfect for the plant. Don’t let the temperatures drop to 55°F (13°C).
As said before, Sentry palm is better outdoors. It’s still possible to grow in a container, just choose a large and deep one with good drainage.
Fun fact
Even though it’s a tropical plant, it has been grown as a decorative plant in the UK for more than 150 years.
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