Ready to bring the zesty, aromatic charm of the Kaffir Lime? This remarkable plant not only adds a refreshing touch to the surroundings but also offers culinary delights. Let's explore how to care for and grow this citrus companion.
The Kaffir or Makrut Lime, scientifically called Citrus hystrix, is a small, evergreen tree native to Southeast Asia, which can reach a height of about 6 to 8 feet (1.8 to 2.4 meters). This citrus gem is cherished for its distinctive double leaves and aromatic fruits, used traditionally in many native cuisines. In USDA zones 9-10, the Kaffir Lime tree blooms year-round, producing fragrant white flowers. The dark green fruit can reach around 1.5 inches (3.8 cm). Its wrinkled rind contains essential oils that are a sought-after commodity in the perfume and skincare industries. They emit a zesty, refreshing scent that allows them to become a frequent guest in fragrances, soaps, and aromatherapy products.