Sea mango varies in size from a shrub to a small or medium-sized tree that can grow up to 25 metres tall. The bole can be up to 70cm in diameter.The plant is used locally as a herbal medicine, being mainly harvested from the wild. The medicinal products are sometimes sold in local markets. A very ornamental tree, with beautiful, aromatic flowers that can be produced all year round, and interesting fruits that are used in flower displays, it is sometimes grown in gardens
Sea Mango Care
Cerbera Manghas

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How to Care for the Plant
To help establish your new Fragrant Thai Maroon Perfume Plant, fertilize sparingly a few inches away from the base, tri-annually with a slow time released product. Unfertilized they will tend to grow at a slower pace. Note: The heavy salts in cheaper fertilizers will damage the roots and possibly kill the plant. Its best to use a brand you know and trust.
Best outdoors if grown in zone 10a-11, find your zone here. This Fragrant Thai Maroon Perfume Plant requires 80-100% sunlight. Depending on your location full sun is often best.
Fragrant Thai Maroon Perfume Plant enjoy a well drained, general potting mix easily found at your local box store. Remember try to stay away from arid or wet, mucky soils.
n the northern end of their grow zone Fragrant Thai Maroon Perfume Plant should be brought indoors or protected during the winter months. The patio zone is 4b-11 which means the potted plant will flourish over the summer months in colder zones but must be brought inside before winter.
All Fragrant Thai Maroon Perfume Plant grow very well in containers, indoors or on the patio. Plants need enough room for growth, generally a 6″ to a 12″ round container will suffice to get started. Remember the looser the roots, the taller and healthier your Fragrant Thai Maroon Perfume Plant will be. When the plant becomes root bound its growth will slow, at that point it is time for a larger pot.
Seek urgent medical attention if any part is chewed or eaten.
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