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Anacampseros Telephiastrum Care

Anacampseros Telephiastrum

Anacampseros Telephiastrum main
Anacampseros Telephiastrum 0
Anacampseros Telephiastrum 1
What is the plant

Native to South Africa, Anacampseros is a genus of small plants that produces dense mats of ground-hugging rosettes. White or pale purple flowers bloom sporadically throughout the summer, opening only during daylight hours.

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Full Sun

Hardiness zone

Hardiness zone

min 10a




How to Care for the Plant

  • Water


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    It likes a winter's rest and should be kept completely dry during the winter months.

  • Fertilizer


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    Feed with a high potassium fertilizer in summer during the growing season diluted to one-fourth potency and mix into the watering can for application.

  • Soil


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    Use a an open and free draining mineral compost with little organic matter (peat, humus) that allows therefore roots to breath (as it is rot prone). Outdoors a well-draining rocky or sandy soil is ideal.

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  • Temperature


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    Keep dry at 5- 10° C in winter, but can tolerate sporadic light frost if kept on the dry side prior to, and during, cold weather. Pots may be placed outdoors during the summer months, but must be moved indoors during the winter.

  • Additional


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    Can be toxic to humans and animals

  • Popularity


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    543 people already have this plant 116 people have added this plant to their wishlists

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