Haworthia viscosa grow and care – succulent of the genus Haworthia, Haworthia viscosa perennial evergreen used as ornamental plant, can grow in subtropics, mediterranean, tropics climate or indoor as houseplant and growing in hardiness zone 10+. Leaves color green can be variegate in the color: pink, red, purple, yellow or orange, leaf in triangle shape with pointed top some cultivars have bumps on the leaves, leaves grow in rosette growth.
Haworthia Viscosa Care
Haworthia Viscosa

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How to Care for the Plant
Small amount of water – let it dry between watering and care not overwater it will kill that plant, if it’s grow in rainy location better to put in pot with lava grit or something inert that the water to go out, also sandy soil, when grow in tropic need to be dry topic or in sheltered place from the rains
All year
Fertilize during the summer growing season with a cactus fertilizer. Don't feed during the winter.
Half Shade / Full Shade (with light)
Planting in location with good drainage, the plant doesn’t like and might die if will sit in puddle so in rainy location better to grow above the ground level and use raising bad
temperature 21-26C (70-79F)
when growing containers need bigger than the root ball at least 30% too much big it’s not useful and better to switch the pot to bigger every few years than to start with big pot, soil loos viability over time and once in every few years better to switch
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