The Cactus (Americas) and Euphorbia (Africa) originated from two different, but similar plants. Since both plants existed in tough, arid environments, both plants experienced convergent evolution in order to survive. Meaning, they evolved to have similar physical traits but have zero shared lineage. Today, these Euphorbias are grown in Southern Florida, but their heritage speaks of another land.
Euphorbia Drupifera Care
Euphorbia Drupifera

Traditional uses: The fruit of Elaeophorbia drupifera is crushed with the leaves, it serves as a fish poison. The sap of this tree is quite caustic and if rubbed into the eyes, results in permanent blindness. For centuries it has been used in Africa to cure scorpion stings, warts, ringworm, wounds and sores. It is also added to eggs as a purgative. E. drupifera is sometimes planted as a fetish tree in Sudan.
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How to Care for the Plant
Watering :Must dry between watering & Water only when dry
Full sun (+21,500 lux /+2000 fc )
Temperature max. (C°) :35 Temperature min. (C°) :12
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