A Philodendron Imperial Red is one of several hybrid philodendrons that have been developed by growers over the last few years. This is an easy care plant that can adapt to all kinds of conditions as long as you keep it warm. Its care instructions can be used for the following other philodendron hybrids: Congo, Imperial Green, Black Cardinal, Moonlight, Red Emerald, and Autumn. Many philodendrons are climbers, but an Imperial Red is called a self-header. The glossy, bright green and red oval shaped leaves are spaced very close together on a single stem. This stiff, barely visible stem, keeps an Imperial Red Philodendron upright and elegant looking as it matures.
Red Philodendron Care
Philodendron 'imperial Red'

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How to Care for the Plant
Keep me lightly moist but let the top inch of my soil dry between waterings to ensure my roots don't rot.
You can easily guide the Philodendron along the rack. You can simply cut off any too long foothills.
Feed me with diluted liquid fertiliser every 2-3 times over spring and Summer.
I like moderate to brighly lit rooms, but can tolerate some shade. Keep me away from direct sunlight.
Ideal temperature 18 - 22 ºC.
These plants are considered poisonous and should be kept away from pets and children.
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