Viola hederacea is a species of violet which is native to Australia. This is a reliable, compact groundcover suitable for rockeries, beneath trees or palms, alongside garden edges and ponds, spilling over walls or filling in between pavers.
Australian violet Care
Viola hederacea

Viola hederacea is a medium to fast-growing, Australian native perennial groundcover with a sprawling habit and small, bright green kidney-shaped/circular leaves. Flowers are usually rather pale and washed-out looking, the anterior petal (the one at the bottom of the flower when looking face on, is widest towards its apex, and the mature seeds are brown. Well-developed leaves of Viola hederacea are also distinctive – semicircular in outline, about as broad as long, and usually rather dark green above and paler beneath.
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How to Care for the Plant
It likes a soil that is constantly moist, particularly during hot summer weather.
Fertilize in spring with a slow-release fertilizer.
The plant gows in full sun to heavy shade.
It prefers a moist, well-drained soil.
The plant is considered hardy in the areas with the lowest winter temperatures of −12.2°C (10°F).
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