Epidendrum radicans is a species of orchid. Common names include ground-rooting epidendrum, fire-star orchid, rainbow orchid, and reed-stem epidendrum. It is a common roadside weed at middle elevations in Central America.
The orchid Epidendrum radicans sprouts roots the length of its stem and grows on the ground. It is native to cooler climates from 2,700 to 7,500 feet high in Central American oak and pine forests and between rocks and grass alongside roads. Considered a common weed in its natural range, E. radicans can be grown successfully indoors and in pots outdoors. E. radicans blooms most frequently between fall and spring on a 10- to 38-inch-long inflorescence or stalk. The end of the inflorescence spreads upward in an umbrel—a term botanists use to describe growth similar to the curving ribs of an umbrella. The umbrel supports a long-lasting ball of 1-inch-wide reddish-orange flowers with yellow throats. The leathery leaves are oval or elliptical and have two lobes at their tips. E. radicans is a creeping plant, but the orchid can be trained to grow upright.