Cymbidium faberi, also known as Faber's Cymbidium, Cymbidium scabroserrulatum, Cymbidium oiwakense, and Cymbidium cerinum, is a species of the orchid genus Cymbidium. It was first described in 1896 by an English botanist Robert Allen Rolfe.
Cymbidium faberi grows in China, Taiwan, Tibet, Nepal, and East Himalayas. It prefers growing in damp, well-drained hills, and open shrubby places at the level of about 2300-9800ft (300-700m) above the sea.
The plant may vary in size from miniature to big. Its leaves are about 1-2.5 ft (25-80 cm) long, yellowish-green, with transparent veins. The flowers are usually the same pale yellowy-green color with red spots and have a strong appealing scent.