Trifolium repens, the white clover, is a herbaceous perennial plant in the bean family Fabaceae. It is native to Europe, including the British Isles, and central Asia and is one of the most widely cultivated types of clover.
Dutch clover Care
Trifolium repens

Trifolium repens, commonly called white clover, is a dwarf, prostrate, mat-forming perennial which typically grows to 4" tall and spreads to 12" or more by stems which freely root along the ground at the nodes. Features trifoliate (3-parted), rich green leaves and globular, white flowers which bloom in late spring. Leaves and flowers appear on separate stalks from the creeping stems. Although native to Europe, this plant has naturalized throughout North America in lawns, fields and roadsides. Flowers are attractive to bees. White clover is a nitrogen fixing plant which is used in crop rotation. Also a good forage plant for livestock. Genus name comes from the Latin name, from tri- meaning three and folium meaning a leaf because of the trifoliate leaves. Specific epithet in Latin means creeping. The plant can be aggressive and is considered by many to be a lawn weed. It can be invasive in the US.
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How to Care for the Plant
Water frequently enough to keep the soil moist. Although clover will tolerate soil on the dry side, it grows much more quickly in moist soil. At least 30 inches of rain per year is necessary for good growth, and 45 inches of rain per year is ideal.
Clover rarely requires fertilization since it can use nitrogen from the atmosphere thanks to a symbiotic relationship with microorganisms in the soil. In most cases, clover suffering from a nutrient deficiency only needs a fertilizer or compost high in phosphorous, such as 5-10-5 or 10-20-10. Test the soil for phosphorous content before fertilizing.
Grow clover where it will receive full sun or part shade, but not full shade. The plant grows best in light shade but will tolerate full sun. A minimum of four hours of sun exposure each day is necessary for optimum growth.
Test the soil to make sure it has a pH level of between 6.0 and 7.0. In very acid soil, lime may need to be added to raise pH. Make sure the soil is well-drained.
This plant can be grown in the areas with minimum average temperatures between -40°F and -30°F or -40°C and -34.4°C.
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