Murraya paniculata is a tropical evergreen plant native to South Asia, Southeast Asia and Australia. The species is widely grown as an ornamental tree or hedge. It is closely related to Citrus, and bears small orange to red fruit resembling kumquats.
Orange jessamine Care
Murraya paniculata

Murraya paniculata, commonly called orange jessamine, is a small, tropical to sub-tropical tree or shrub that may grow to as much as 20' tall, but is usually found much shorter (8-12') and can be pruned as a formal hedge to as little as 2-3' tall. It is noted for its glossy evergreen dark green leaves, strongly fragrant white flowers and red ornamental fruits. It is native from China and India to Australia. Each odd-pinnate leaf typically has 3 to 9, ovate, glossy, dark green leaflets (to 2.5" long). Fragrant white flowers (each to 7/8" across) in terminal or axillary cymes bloom several times throughout the year. Flowers are most fragrant at night. Flowers are followed by ovoid, red fruits (each to 1/2" long), each with 1-2 seeds. Plants may display flowers and fruits at the same time. Flowers have the scent of orange blossoms, hence the common names of orange jessamine and mock orange that are sometimes applied. Synonymous with Murraya exotica.
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How to Care for the Plant
Allow the soil to dry slightly before watering again.
Any dying or yellowing leaves can be removed for aesthetic reasons, while any small leaves that grow off the main trunk, often called suckers, should be removed.
Liquid fertilizers are applied more frequently, bi-weekly or monthly, for example. Granular products are used less frequently, perhaps once every month or two. Slow-release houseplant fertilizers break down slowly and release their nutrients in small amounts, over a longer period of time. A single application of most of these products lasts for three to four months.
Needs a bright, indirect sunlight.
Prefer fertile soil, preferably loose and loamy with adequate drainage.
Orange jasmine is not frost-tolerant and can be grown in the areas with the lowest temperatures of +1.7°C (35°F).
Here’s a handy guideline: increase pot size by 2.5-5 cm (1 to 2 inches) in diameter for plants that are growing in pots 25.4 cm (10 inches) in diameter or less. For larger plants, those growing in pots greater than 10 inches in diameter, increase the pot size by 5 or 7.62 cm (2 or 3 inches) in diameter.
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