Euphorbia characias subsp. wulfenii is an architectural perennial, perfect for adding a touch of drama to the border. Bluish-green foliage looks fresh all year round, and in early summer it’s joined by large, dome-shaped, lime-yellow flowers that tower above it. It’s ideal for growing in a sunny border or gravel garden, and is a good planting partner for kniphofias, which bear orange and yellow flowers. For best results grow Euphorbia characias subsp. wulfenii in moist but well-drained soil, in full sun. Cut down the flower stems to ground level as the blooms fade. Be careful when handling the plant as the thick, white sap can irritate the eyes and skin.
Mediterranean Spurge Care
Euphorbia Characias

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How to Care for the Plant
These weedy plants are drought tolerant and do very well with occasional deep watering during hot summer months. Humidity is not well tolerated.Excessive watering can be fatal. Plants may not return after a long, wet winter.
When blooming finishes, cut back the stems down to the base to allow new stems to grow.Additionally, attentive deadheading is recommended to prevent unwanted self-seeding.
These vigorous plants grow best in full sun but can tolerate part shade.
Euphorbia tolerate very poor soils and must have sharply draining soil. Clay soil is not tolerated.
Be careful when handling the plant as the thick, white sap can irritate the eyes and skin.
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