Viola odorata is commonly known as wood violet, sweet violet, English violet, common violet, florist's violet, or garden violet. V. odorata is native to Europe and Asia. It is a hardy herbaceous flowering perennial.
Garden violet Care
Viola odorata

The Viola odorata is often chosen for its lovely fragrance, which is referenced in the name. “Odorata” means fragrant. The fragrant violet commonly called the “sweet violet,” goes by many other names, including English violet, Common violet, Garden violet, and Wood violet. This colorful perennial plant belongs to the violet family (Violaceae) of plants and is native to Europe and Asia. Since its introduction, into North America and Australia, it is commonly seen growing in gardens. The sweet violet is a hardy plant that mostly grows as ground cover. It can reach two to eight inches in height, depending on the growing conditions.
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How to Care for the Plant
When forcing a bloom, you should water frequently. If grown outdoors, you may not need to water very often.
Fertilize sweet violets in spring and fall, which stimulates growth and encourages blooms. Use an all-purpose garden fertilizer applied according to package directions. Always fertilize the soil and not the plant, and always water immediately following fertilization.
Voila plants require lots of sunlight, but can tolerate partial shade. In fact, they are sometimes found growing wild in shaded areas of lawns and gardens.
Make sure the soil drains well has lots of organic matter. If growing in a pot, repot each year using a combination of sand and fine loam.
The plants are very cold-hardy and will tolerate temperatures down to about -20°C.
This plant can be grown in a container. Choose a pot with enough drainage holes.
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