Selaginella lepidophylla is a species of desert plant in the spikemoss family. Known as a "resurrection plant", S. lepidophylla is renowned for its ability to survive almost complete desiccation. During dry weather, its stems curl into a tight ball.
Rose of Jerico Care
Selaginella lepidophylla

Selaginella lepidophylla reaches a maximum height of 5 cm, and is native to the Chihuahuan Desert. Common names for this plant include flower of stone, false rose of Jericho, rose of Jericho, resurrection plant, resurrection moss, dinosaur plant, siempre viva, stone flower, and doradilla. The striking feature of Selaginella lepidophylla is its adaptation to conditions of prolonged drought in its natural environment. It deploys the physiological strategy of drying up and rolling inwards in the absence of water to form a ball, and can survive for up to several years, and lose up to 95% of its moisture content, without suffering damage. When ground and air humidity begin to rise again, even a considerable time after it has wilted, the plant "resuscitates". If rehydrated, it continues its life cycle, fully recovering its photosynthesis and growth abilities.
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How to Care for the Plant
Keep the soil moist but never soggy and avoid using cold water. A Selaginella plant becomes totally dormant and the leaves roll into tight little brown balls when there is no moisture. Once the Selaginella is watered, it turns green and starts to grow again.
A Selaginella plant needs very little plant food. Feed twice a year, once in April and once in July, with a water soluble fertilizer diluted to ½ the recommended strength. Do not fertilize newly potted Selaginella plants for at least two months.
Bright indirect light indoors, partial shade outdoors is usually a good idea for most Selaginella varieties.
Use a peat moss based soil that retains water but still drains well for a Selaginella.
Best temperature for the plant is 50°-75°F (10°-24°C).
This plant can be grown in a container. Choose a pot with enough drainage holes.
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