Identify, Get Care & Grow Healthy Plants with Us!

Oct 21 · 5 min read

Top blooming houseplants

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Even the most unassuming interior will acquire a sophisticated look if it is decorated with blooming plants. Choosing suitable greenery, you can create a blooming island on your windowsill all year round. Long-flowering plants provide their owners with joy and excellent mood, and they also benefit by purifying the air: take notes of the best flowering houseplants!

Flowering Maple

6aec575d-de1c-476d-986e-e10059baa5f9.jpg While Flowering Maple is mostly cultivated as a garden plant, it can also be grown indoors. Abutilon blooms from spring to autumn, and as daylight hours become shorter, the number of peduncles decreases, and the plant enters a dormant phase. But if you provide additional lighting with fluorescent lamps, proper feeding, and watering, the flowering will not stop. The leaves are similar to maple leaves, hence the common name. Abutilon flowers look like lanterns of different colors.


8dacde4d-82c4-4123-8830-76857664fcb2.jpg Anthurium, commonly known as a flamingo flower, is a plant with large glossy leaves and unusual flowers shaped like hearts. The flowers vary in colors and shapes - from small white ones to spectacular decorative varieties which combine shades and patterns. It needs moisture and can grow even in the shade. However, the plant blooms and develops better on the southern and western window sills under the bright indirect light.


bb37d681-c8bc-4734-a4bf-c14650752377.jpg Begonia is a genus that includes around 2000 species, both flowering and foliage houseplants. Selecting blooming begonia, keep in mind that it is a warmth-loving flower that loves high humidity. However, it does not like being sprayed. Begonia prefers bright, diffused light. Left under direct sunlight, the leaves and flowers will fade, and the plant will lose its decorative effect.

To prolong begonia blooming, choose a location that receives more direct morning or evening sunlight than midday one. As a result, begonia will experience less stress and will produce more flowers.


b6d73d31-adb5-4af8-a768-1a90d929ec6b.jpg Geranium has been a classic of window sills for many years; it creates a slightly nostalgic vibe. It is an unpretentious, light-loving plant that loves abundant but rare watering. Geranium loves a lot of air, so it should be displayed on balconies or in the garden in the summer. Growing pots should not be large; to get a lush flower bush, plant three seedlings in one pot.


74a22ffe-ff25-46a5-8931-8752cb265fbc.jpg Hibiscus is an evergreen flowering shrub. The lifespan of one flower is a day; in hybrid, double forms up to 3 days. It requires much sunlight, abundant watering, and feeding. In the summer, you need to spray the plant daily. With insufficient watering, it drops buds and flowers. It is necessary to transplant hibiscus annually. Depending on the method of pruning, hibiscus can be grown in tree or bush form. Hibiscus responds very well to regular feeding every 2-3 weeks.


639db296-2734-4ae3-a088-798c99a6d126.jpg This is an incredibly beautiful plant that has rather unusual flowers - stamens rise above the lush petal skirts. Flowers can be white, red, pink, as well as blue, lilac, purple, blue, and, of course, fuchsia. The plant is sun-loving; it feels best in rooms with diffused light and high humidity; in bright light, the leaves will become covered in brown spots. The plant is shade-tolerant, but the stems begin to be leggy in the dark, and the flowers become rare and small.


7c3e9dfa-6b7d-4068-9cc5-6ca142086d09.jpg This is a popular houseplant with small yellowish, orange, pink, or bright red flowers. The plant can bloom at any time of the year. Kalanchoe is demanding on the microclimate: cold air and dampness lead to the death of the roots. That is why it is very important to maintain a moderate watering regime and monitor the dryness of the soil. For full-fledged growth and development, Kalanchoe requires bright diffused light, ventilation, and sufficient space.

Peace lily

5460f55c-c7f9-44d9-a111-5ba21287ab40.jpg This plant is a regular member of the most “top plant” lists: it is unpretentious in terms of care, easy to get, and extremely charming with its delicate flowers. The species is appreciated for its spectacular snow-white bloom. The plant requires moderate irrigation and daily spraying. According to popular belief, it blooms only in those houses where peace, mutual understanding, and love run things.

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