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0c0b1f1b-544c-4128-907b-ff10c06414e4.jpg If you dream of a beautiful plant with unusual flowering, then the tillandsia air plant is something that you should definitely start growing at home. In this article we will talk about how to properly care for a flower, what are the peculiarities of flowering and feeding. Get ready for a stream of useful information!


This plant belongs to the bromeliad family. In its natural habitat, it chooses tropical and subtropical regions of Central and South America. The main factor that influences the choice of location is sufficient rainfall. Therefore, tillandsia is located off the coast, on the slopes of the mountains and in humid forests. This flower is grown like epiphytes. The root system performs a fixing function, and the flower receives all the necessary nutrients and moisture from the air. The inflorescence has the shape of a two-row spike. The number of shades is very diverse, but most often it is a gradient from green to rich pink.


This procedure is absolutely standard for the watering we are used to. The plant needs to be watered as the top layer dries, with water at room temperature. Use a chlorine-free liquid with a pH of 6.5. Boiled water is suitable for this. In summer, tillandsia should be watered especially carefully, the soil should be constantly moist, do not allow it to dry out. In winter, watering is reduced several times, that is, until the upper substrate dries up. In the summer, warm showers can be arranged several times a month.


b6c9341f-afdc-4794-9462-3acdd143cf9a.jpg A heat-loving plant that grows well in summer at 24-26 degrees Celsius (75.2-78.8 degrees Fahrenheit). In winter, it is better to maintain the temperature regime in the region of 18-20 degrees Celsius (64.4-68 degrees Fahrenheit). Experts recommend that daytime temperatures be slightly higher than nighttime temperatures.


The plant prefers bright, but diffused light. Feels great in partial shade, feel free to choose a window sill facing east. In winter, it is best to transfer the flower to a more illuminated area or put it on a western-oriented window sill, you can also choose a southeast one.

Other recommendations

Below we collected the additional care tips to help you grow a healthy and beautiful plant. Read everything carefully and start putting it into practice.

Humidity A good rate of humidity is 80-90%. Spray tillandsia as often as possible and be sure to use soft water. When the air is dry, it is better to put the flower in a special florarium, so it will be much easier to maintain the humidity in the norm.

Top dressing During the growing season, the plant is fertilized every 4 weeks. Use liquid fertilizer for bromeliads. If your plant grows on decaying bark, and not in a standard pot, then it needs minimal doses, since it is that bark that will provide it with the necessary trace elements. Do not use conventional fertilizers, as the nitrogen contained will simply destroy the flower. Organic, too, cannot be used, even in minimal quantities. The necessary fertilizer is diluted with water for irrigation or spraying, and the procedure itself is carried out.

Transplant A newly purchased plant needs a transplant, but if it has an inflorescence, then this stage should be postponed. It is worth considering that under natural conditions the plant does not grow in the ground, but on snags or tree trunks. Therefore, it is better to choose a bark of 1-2 centimeters for transplanting. If you want to grow tillandsia in a pot, then you should choose a special mixture from akadama or give your choice in the direction of seramis-granulate. The pot should be almost miniature, and the protruding roots can be cut off.

Plant ID


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