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The perennial herbaceous vine, Pothos, is part of the Aroid family. The name "Epipremnum" translates as "on the trunks", which is related to how the plant actually exists. In nature, it can be found in tropical forests from India to Northern Australia. Today, most of the species are found in Southeast Asia. But these species are also found in nature today in places where they did not grow before, for example, in Hawaii.
The most popular among flower growers is golden Epipremnum, which is very often called "Scindapsus" by the people. But Scindapsus and Epipremnum are two different plants, although they belong to the same family. However, when grown at home, these plants require almost the same care and growth conditions.
Epipremnum is cultivated at home as an ornamental deciduous plant. The fact is that in culture, this liana blooms very rarely. Illumination. Variegated varieties need a lot of bright light, and green-leaved varieties can grow both in shade and under diffused bright light. However, any varieties must be shaded from direct sunlight.
Temperature conditions
Average room temperature is perfect for such a plant. Note that drafts can kill the plant.
It is carried out systematically immediately after the top layer of soil mixture in the pot has dried, but it should be moderate.
Air humidity
In the event that there are working heating devices in the room, then it is necessary to moisten the liana foliage from the spray bottle as often as possible.
Topdressing is carried out from April to September 1 time in 2 weeks, for this they use mineral fertilizer for vines in liquid form. During the dormant period, the bush also needs to be fed, but this is done much less often (no more than once every 4 weeks).
Rest period
The plant is usually dormant in October – March.
It is held in April. While the vine is young, it is transplanted once a year, and older specimens are much less frequent, or rather, once every 2 or 3 years.
By layering, dividing the shoot and apical cuttings.
Thrips, scale insects, and spider mites.
Reproduction methods
Epipremnum, as a rule, is propagated in room conditions by vegetative methods, namely:
- apical cuttings
- layering
- dividing the stem into parts.
To propagate Pothos with apical cuttings, it is necessary to cut off the upper part of the stem, on which there should be 2 or 3 leaf plates. For rooting, the cuttings are planted in a soil mixture, which includes sand and peat (1: 1). Best of all, the segments root at an air temperature of 22 to 25 degrees. During rooting, cuttings need systematic moistening from a spray bottle. As a rule, the roots of cuttings grow back 15–20 days after planting.
If you need layering, then near the bush you need to put a container filled with soil mixture. A shoot is laid on its surface, which should be fixed in this position with pins. Then it is sprinkled with a substrate. Cutting off the layers and planting it in a separate pot is possible only after its roots have grown.