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Aug 18 · 7 min read

How to Grow Persimmon From Seed

Have you ever been to farmer's markets in summer? The streets are buzzing with people. You want to get home, but even more, you want to get The Fruit. Finally, you buy a bag of Persimmons, get home, eat them and throw away the seeds. Now stop! 

What if we told you that you could avoid all the unnecessary trips to the market? What if we taught you how to grow a Persimmon from seed? These trees are an actual catch. Not only are they beautiful, but they also provide fruit rich in taste and vitamins. Now, let's move to the most crucial question. 

Is It Easy To Grow Persimmon Trees?

Despite being 'fruit of gods,' Persimmons feel fine in human gardens and greenhouses. They are resistant to drought and adapt to almost any soil. These fruit are not fussy about watering, so simply pour them a drink whenever there are no rainy days. Persimmons don't need fertilization or pruning, so you can sit back and relax once you plant them. And remember – if you have ever wondered “what kind of plant is this?” growing in your garden, you can always get assistance of our identification tool. 

Varieties of Persimmon Trees

There are over 200 different varieties of Persimmons. Before planting your tree, you need to make a tough decision. Do you want the fruit to be astringent or not? To make it easier for you, here are some of the most common varieties from both groups:


  • Cioccolatino;
  • Triumph;
  • Tsurunoko;
  • Rojo Brillante;
  • Eureka.


  • Vainiglia;
  • Shogatsu;
  • Suruga;
  • Izu;
  • Midia.

Little tip: take the best of both worlds and plant both kinds! Use our online identificator not to confuse your Persimmon tree species.

How To Grow Persimmon From Seed Step By Step

The process of planting Persimmons is easy but quite specific. No worries,  we prepared a detailed step-by-step guide for you! Follow us, and soon you will enjoy some ripe, beautiful fruit. 

Collecting The Persimmon Seeds

The first thing you need to do before planting Persimmon seeds is to learn what kind you want to get. Once that's done, look for the fruit from those trees. You will need several seeds. We recommend choosing a few different options to increase the chances of successful germination. The best time for collecting seeds is autumn when the fruit are ripe.

  1. Look for the perfect fruit. It has to be ripe, with no dents or rotting parts, and no bite marks or scratches from birds.
  2. Take the seed out of the fruit.
  3. Soak them in warm water for a few days.
  4. Clean the seeds under running water.

How To Open a Persimmon Seed

When growing a Persimmon tree, you might find yourself surrounded by many fruit and seeds. While waiting for your plant to germinate, why don't you have a little fun? An old tradition is saying that you can read the weather by Persimmon seeds. We think that accuracy will be more or less consistent with your regular weather podcast, so let's try it! 

  1. Take a sharp knife. 
  2. Place your seed on the flattened side and gently but firmly, crack it open with a knife. 
  3. Be very careful, as a lot of people have accidentally cut themselves.

Now, look at the seed:

  • Fork shape means mild winter with a lot of snow;
  • Spoon shape hints at a lot of snow;
  • Knife shape means cold winds.

Let us know if the predictions were accurate in the comments!


Seed Treatment

To stimulate the germination of the seed, you need to recreate the natural conditions.

  1. Wrap the seeds in a damp paper towel.
  2. Put them in a tall container.
  3. Put the container into a fridge for 2-3 months. 
  4. Mist the towel when you notice that it's drying.
  5. Sometimes growers wrap the seeds in a towel with aloe juice. It helps maintain moisture.

How To Plant Persimmon Seeds

When you notice that your Persimmon seeds start germinating in your fridge, it's time to plant your future fruit trees. Here are a few tips on making their living conditions top-notch:

  • Pick a pot with good drainage;
  • Pick well-draining sterile soil;
  • Plant your seeds at a 2-inch (5 cm) depth;
  • Plant 1 seed per pot.

How to Germinate Persimmon Seeds

When all is done and set, you must provide perfect germination conditions. To do that:

  • place the pots in a warm and well-lit space;
  • wait for six weeks and keep the temperature at about 70˚F (26˚C).

Persimmon Seedlings Caring Tips

As we mentioned earlier, the Persimmons are not very demanding. However, to keep your seedlings happy, follow these simple steps:

  • Provide bright, indirect light. 
  • Once the weather outside is no longer frosty, you can move the pots to a sheltered but sunny spot. 
  • Slowly start introducing the plants to sunlight. Do it over 1-2 weeks. 
  • Water regularly, but let the soil dry between each drink.

Transplanting the Tree

Young Persimmon trees have a big but fragile root system. You should be extremely careful with it during the transplantation process. If possible, don't let the roots go dry during the 'rehoming'. 

Move your Persimmons at the end of their first full growing season, preferably in autumn. When planning the transplantation, check how much space your specific Persimmon will need. The general rule is that one tree needs 20 square feet (1.8 square meters) to develop its roots. Once you picked the spot, follow these steps:

  1. Dig a hole. The width should be four times the root system, and the depth should be half the size of the root system. 
  2. Plant your seedlings at the same depth as they were in a pot. 
  3. Put your tree in a hole and fill it with the original soil. 
  4. Water deeply and allow the moisture to soak down to the roots.
  5. Don't use fertilizer. 
  6. Mulch the planting area a few inches (5 cm) away from the trunk.

Plant Pruning

Pruning is generally needed only if the plant is growing too vigorously. We would recommend avoiding pruning. If it's necessary to remove broken branches or shape the tree into a desirable form, prune it during the late winter or early spring. 

When to Plant Persimmon Trees

The best time for planting Persimmon trees would be spring, when there is no danger of frost. Start preparing early to be on schedule! 

How Long To Grow Persimmon From Seed

The seed will need three days to soak, three months to sleep in your fridge, and then 6-8 weeks in a pot to get ready for transplantation.

How Long Does It Take a Persimmon Tree to Bear Fruit?

Different varieties require a different amount of time to start bearing fruits. However, in general, Persimmons need 2-3 years to bloom and 7-10 years to start giving fruits. 


How Big Do Persimmon Trees Get?

The tree grows 30-70 feet in height (9-21 meters). 

How to grow Fuyu Persimmon from seed?

Unfortunately, you won't be able to grow Fuyu Persimmon from seeds, as their fruits are seedless.

Do Persimmon seeds need cold stratification?

Yes. It will significantly improve the chances of your seed turning into a fruit tree. 

How to grow Persimmon tree from cutting?

Fill the pot with a well-draining potting mix. Poke a hole in the center and place your cutting there. Water your Persimmon and cover it with a clear material to keep in the moisture. Provide about 12 hours of light daily.

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