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Feb 7 · 6 min read

Best Easter Plants and Flowers to Make Your Holiday

Easter is an exciting time for many people, regardless of religious affiliation, as it is a common representation of springtime and the new beginnings that come with a new season. There are tons of different Easter plants to adorn your yard and home and even bring as gifts to friends and family. Regardless of how you celebrate the holiday, bringing in some Easter-type plants is a guaranteed way to make sure it’s a time worth celebrating. 

Easter Composition

Which Flower is Most Associated With Easter?

The flower most thought of when Easter is brought to mind would likely be the Easter Lily. Other plants often associated with Easter are the Easter cactus and, for many Christians, Daffodils and Roses as well because they carry religious significance in the story of Christ and his resurrection. 

What Flower is Considered an Easter Symbol?

Traditional Easter flowers are White Lilies. This is because it is said that three days after Jesus’ death from crucifixion, White Lilies sprouted and bloomed in the spots where his blood fell. Daffodils are also regarded as a symbol of Easter because they are one of the early spring flowers that bloom around the Easter holiday, though this attribution is given to many spring flowers that make an appearance early on in the season. 

Easter Composition with Plants

Best Types of Easter Flowers and Plants

Easter plants and Easter flowers are wonderful gifts for hosts, as home decor, and as additions to a spring garden. Below are some ideas to help bring a cheery, floral touch to your Easter holiday: 

Plants for Gifts

Gifting someone you care about a plant is a thoughtful way to show your trust and appreciation of them while also bringing joy to the person who receives them. Here are a few options to consider when gifting plants this Easter holiday: 

Easter Cactus

Botanical Name: Rhipsalidopsis gaertneri

Its common name is given as a representation of the time the flower typically blooms, which goes to show how not all Easter flower names are related to the holiday, but more so the season, which is often represented by the coming of Easter. 

Colors: Easter cacti are composed of light green segmented stems that give way to daisy-like flowers, which often are white, red, or pink in color.   

Potted Easter Cactus


Botanical Name: Tulipa spp.

They are popular Easter flowers because they are among the first to pop out of the ground in spring, just in time to make Easter floral arrangements. Additionally, purple and white tulips can be arranged together to symbolize the royalty (symbolized by purple) and purity (symbolized by white) of Jesus Christ. They also make for excellent bouquet accompaniments and thrive as potted Easter flower plants!

Colors: Flowers begin as egg-shaped before opening into a large, cup-like blossom. Colors can vary from white through the red spectrum and into purple. It can also be striped or frilled, depending on the variety.   

Tulips Bouquet

Spring Crocus

Botanical Name: Crocus spp.

Another variety of purple Easter flowers is spring-blooming crocuses. The most widely available species is Crocus vernus, an early-spring bloomer that brings about brilliantly colored purple flowers. Like the tulip, these flowers are associated with Easter because of their bloom time in proximity to the holiday. 

Colors: Purple and orange.

Spring Crocuses

For Home Decoration (Inside and Outside)

Easter is more than just a holiday for many; instead, it’s symbolic of the new season approaching and fresh starts. Take a look at some of the lovely options nature has to offer for Easter blooms: 


Botanical Name: Hyacinthus orientalis

Hyacinths are popular spring and Easter flowers because they represent new beginnings and new life. Very fragrant and available in stunning color, these plants are perfect for an Easter planter to bring some color and scent into the new season. 

Colors: Vary from pastel pink to deep blue.  



Botanical Name: Forsythia x intermedia

These flowers originate from the branches of the “Easter Tree”, which are named to symbolize the coming spring season. Branches are often cut off and displayed in tall flower vases to showcase their tiny yellow flowers, though the trees themselves are quite the spectacle when in full bloom. 

Colors: Yellow and green.  



Botanical Name: Helleborus niger

Hellebores are popular flowers for the colder temperatures of winter and early spring. They tend to go by the name of “Christmas Rose”, “Easter Rose”, or “Lenten Rose” because their bloom time often coincides with these holidays or around the time of Lent.

Colors: The colors span the spectrum from white to a deep purple, and along with its large, showy flowers, it can add a bit of visual flare to landscaping for years to come. 


For Church and Altar

Easter plants for the church should be a bit less representative of spring as a season and more representative of Jesus, his sacrifices, and new beginnings. Below are some of the more classic Easter plants to bring along to church surrounding the holiday: 

Easter Lily

Botanical Name: Lilium longiflorum

Easter Lilies are the floral cornerstone of an Easter celebration. Unlike many other plants on this list, they don’t usually bloom around the time of Easter, but instead, they usually bloom in August in their native country of Japan. However, these plants have a more religious affiliation than seasonal ones regarding their namesake. 

Colors: They are typically white in color and are associated with purity and rebirth.   

Easter Lily


Botanical Name: Narcissus pseudonarcissus

Daffodils are small yellow or white flowers that pack a punch in the looks department, adding brightness and happiness to anyone who comes across it. Equal parts unique and dainty, this type of flower is also associated with rebirth and new beginnings. 

Colors: White and yellow.  



Botanical Name: Rosa spp.

Red and white roses are arranged together to represent Christ’s blood sacrifice in the red flowers and his purity in the white flowers. The physical beauty of these plants is one thing, but their versatility is the other part of what makes roses a year-round favorite. Plant them in pots, in the garden, or use them in an arrangement: all ways they are bound to impress and inspire awe in the viewers. 

Colors: Roses are one of the most classic flowers and are available in almost any color imaginable.   


Brazilian Passion Flower

Botanical Name: Passiflora spp.

Passion Flower is another flower associated with Jesus and could be a perfect addition to church or altar decor during Easter. Christians say that the flower is closely connected to Jesus' death on the cross, and its 10 petals represent 10 apostles faithful to Christ in his last days. 

Colors: Pink, orange, purple, brown. 

Passion Flower

More In-Season Flowers During Easter

Easter usually is celebrated at the end of March and in April, which is a bloom time for many gorgeous flowers that you can use for celebration and decoration. Here are some of them:

  • Sweet Pea (Lathyrus odoratus)
  • Broad-Leaved Sweet Pea (Lathyrus latifolius)
  • The Lady Tulip (Tulipa Clusiana)
  • Freesia (Freesia spp.)
  • Snapdragon (Antirrhinum Majus)
  • Summer Snapdragon (Angelonia Angustifolia)
  • Gardenia (Gardenia jasminoides)
  • Hungarian Rose (Rosa gallica)
  • Hybrid Tea Rose (Rosa x hybrida)
  • Orchids (Orchidaceae spp.)
  • Peony (Paeonia)

Great In-Season Flowers to Gift at Easter

Even though not many flowers and plants are associated with Easter, Jesus, or Christian belief, there are still many that can be beautiful gifts during this beautiful spring holiday, such as:

  • Primrose (Primula vulgaris)
  • Snow Drop Lily (Galanthus spp.)
  • Forget-Me-Not (Myosotis spp.)
  • Wallflower (Erysimum cheiri)
  • Cantab Dwarf Iris (Iris Reticulata)
  • Bearded Iris (Iris Germanica)
  • Bell Heather (Erica Cinerea)
  • Grape Hyacinths (Muscari botryoides)
  • Blue Bottle (Muscari motelayi)
  • Lily of the Valley (Convallaria majalis)



Do Roses Represent Easter?

Roses are one of the few flowers known to represent Easter in some sense, though it is not as traditional as an Easter Lily. Red and white rose arrangements are representative of Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection, so these colors may be prominent in bouquets on the altar at church during Sunday service. 

What Was Jesus’s Favorite Flower?

While it is not known what Jesus’s favorite flower was, many flowers are associated with Christ. The main ones are White Lilies, Passion Flowers, Daffodils, and Roses. All of these flowers have associations with the traits of Christ, his crucifixion, and later resurrection. 

What Does an Easter Plant Look Like?

The most common Easter plant, Easter Lilies, has several large, trumpet-shaped blooms that range from white to pink in color, covering the tall stalk of the plant. The leaves are long, dark green, and linear in shape.

The most popular Easter flowering plant is likely the Easter Lily, given its name and religious connotation with the resurrection of Jesus. Other popular flowering plants are Easter Cacti and spring bulbs like Hyacinths, Tulips, and Crocuses.

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