Aug 28 · 6 min read
Dumb Cane
Table of Contents
Today we are going to talk about one of the most popular indoor plants. This article will present all the subtle nuances of plant care and what conditions a grower should create in order for this flower to please him for a long time.
Dieffenbachia grows in South America and was named after the famous German botanist J. F. Dieffenbach. It belongs to the genus Aroids. The plant grows quickly and impresses with the size of its luxurious leaves. But these juicy, attention-grabbing leaves and stems on which they are located are quite dangerous. If these parts of dieffenbachia are damaged, it secretes a very poisonous juice (that’s where the plant has got its name). Poisonous substances - alkaloids and needle crystals, are found in all green parts of the plant and cause a strong allergic reaction if they come into contact with the skin or mucous membranes. The dumb cane plant was used by slave-owners to torture unruly slaves working in Caribbean sugar plantations.
It is best to wear gloves when working with it. We advise you to put the flower out of the reach of children and animals.
During the time when the flower is growing very actively, watering should be made more abundant. But in winter it is best to reduce the amount of incoming water. Do not under any circumstances allow abundant soil moisture.
The average temperature for this green plant is 17 degrees Celsius (62.6 degrees Fahrenheit). In the cold season, do not put indoor plants in a draft, this can greatly harm it.
This green pet loves a lot of light, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. But keep in mind that if the lighting is not enough, the stem will become thinner and very thin in a very short time.
Other recommendations
This section will tell you all the smallest, but important steps in flower care. Observing them, you can get an absolutely healthy plant that will stand for a very long time, decorating your interior.
In the homeland of this plant, the moisture content is very high, so it is worth providing a high percentage of indoor air humidity (about 85-90%). Spray the plant more often, especially in winter. Plain water is suitable for this, but it is best to boil it.
The soil for growing is best made according to this recipe: leaf soil + peat soil + sand + turf soil. The proportions for the mixture are as follows: 1: 1: 1: 4. Be sure to need drainage at the bottom of the pot.
3. Top dressing
Dieffenbachia loves complex fertilizers during the growing season. You will have to feed often - once every 14 days. The plant reacts very badly to nitrogen containing organic matter in fertilizers.
With proper care, dieffenbachia blooms, but because of this, the flower may slow down or stop growing, and the lower part is also exposed. Most often, the flowers are simply cut.
Do it in cases of emergency, usually 3-4 times a year in a larger pot. Drainage is required at the bottom, expanded clay is suitable. The soil should be the same as in the recipe above, or you can buy a universal mixture for fruit and deciduous plants. Try to deepen the stem during transplantation, this will promote the growth of new roots. The earthen lump should be removed very carefully. examine the roots carefully. + If there are rotten ones, then they need to be cut off, shaking off the soil from them. Treat the sections with activated carbon powder. Then you can plant the plant in a new pot, at the bottom of which there is already expanded clay. Further, gently on the sides you need to fill up the soil, lightly tamping.
Decay of roots. A fairly common disease in this flower. Blackening and wilting of leaves are direct signs. This is due to the amount of moisture in the soil. The plant should be transplanted and the decayed roots should be cut off. Perform the procedure with gloves on.
Fall of young leaves. This is most often due to low room temperatures, drafts or dry air. Carefully review the growing conditions for your pet.
Black spots on the plant. This is a direct sign of fungal diseases, most often due to the high percentage of moisture. Watering should be reduced, for a while, stop spraying the flower, and it is imperative to treat the entire plant with a fungicide preparation.
Dark spots on the leaves. This problem occurs due to direct sunlight falling on the leaves, they cause strong ooi. Move the dieffenbachia to partial shade, and cut off the damaged leaves.
Brown spots on the tips of the leaves. This factor speaks of a very dry soil. The damaged parts must be cut off (use gloves) and the plant must be watered sufficiently.
The most effective way for dieffenbachia is grafting. First, we cut the trunk into cuttings, approximately 15-30 centimeters in length. A prerequisite is the presence of a dormant kidney in each part. You need to remember where the top and bottom of each cutting are, this will be needed in order to place their lower part in the water. Until that day, it will be necessary to dry the incisions. When roots appear in the water, and young shoots from a dormant bud appear, you can transplant the plant into a new pot with a substrate.