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Can this plant be saved?

I received this plant less than 2 weeks ago. When I did it already had those brown spots (1st picture). I read somewhere that the plant required a few hours of direct sun everyday, so Ive been trying to do that, in the afternoon which is when its possible due to my windows orientation. I also read those brown spots might by a symbol of either too much sun or a fungal infection, so I put it a bit further from the window, so that it will still receive bright lights just not directly; I also applied potassium soap to the leaves (that why it has a bunch of white spots on the second picture, after it dried). The thing is my plant is worse everyday, more brown spots, even under the leaves (3rd pic). I also read somewhere that it would be a good idea to cut off the sick leaves, but if I do I might just have to remove them all, and about a month away from the start of the fall. I dont know if this plant has any way to recover.



Waiting for answer

- **Condition Name**: Leaf Burn/Scorch - **Symptoms**: Browning or discoloration at the tips and edges of leaves. - **Cause**: Likely exposure to excessive sunlight or lack of water. - **Treatment/Solution**: Move to a shaded area and ensure regular watering.


If this is a succulent plant this needs full sunlight direct . As I had one plant like that and kept in direct sunlight for more than week. Brown spots disappeared and got better leaves