sick / drying up?
The picture on the left is what my plant used to look like, but I was out of town for two weeks and the person who is taking care of my plant started over watering it when I told her not to - anyway then I went out of town again for about a month and I decided to take it with me because I didn’t trust anybody taking care of it so I re-plotted the plant because the soil was too damp and wouldn’t dry up at all now I am at this stage where I don’t know if it’s drying up or if it just needs a little bit more care. I’m not sure if I should cut the leaves that are closing up. Does anybody have any advice? I really want to bring this plant back alive on how it look like when I first got it. Thank you 🙏🙏🙏🩷

Have you been watering it?
Wel do you have any spray bottles?