Codiaeum variegatum is a houseplant in the Euphorbiaceae family. In the wild, this plant grows in India and Southeast Asia. Garden Croton is the only plant of the Codiaeum genus that is popular with flower growers.
Garden Croton Care
Codiaeum variegatum

Outwardly, the plant resembles an elongated bush. An adult Garden Croton usually grows to 23-29 inches (60-75 centimeters) in indoor conditions. The leaves of the plant are large - 8-12 inches (20-30 centimeters); they have a glossy sheen and bright multi-colored veins.
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How to Care for the Plant
Garden Croton needs regular watering to keep the topsoil slightly moist. However, you need to ensure the pot's water does not stagnate. You also need to spray the plant. Gardeners recommend reducing the frequency of watering in winter.
You need to be very careful pruning Garden Croton. The sap of the plant is poisonous and can cause a burning sensation on the skin. Gardeners recommend cutting off only damaged leaves of the plant as well as flowers because this plant spends a lot of energy on flowering.
You need to feed Codiaeum variegatum with a solution of complex mineral fertilizer for ornamental foliage plants twice a month from April to November. In the cold season, the plant needs fertilizing less often – about once a month.
Codiaeum variegatum is a photophilous plant. It is best to keep it in front of a window with bright but diffused light. The plant can dry out in the too aggressive sun.
For Garden Croton, the best mixture is turf, humus, and sand in a ratio of 3:2:1. This plant is not too picky about the soil - any soil of low acidity can suit it.
Garden Croton propagates by seeds or cuttings. To propagate the plant from cuttings, you need to cut 3-5 inches of the top of an adult bush. You need to dry the cuttings in the sun and then put them in a container of warm water (73-85 degrees Fahrenheit). When the sprouts have 1-1.5 inches long roots, you can transplant them into a ready-made container.
Codiaeum is a thermophilic plant and does not like drafts. In summer, the temperature should be 66-72 degrees Fahrenheit (19-22 degrees Celsius). In winter, the plant does best at temperatures of 61-64 degrees Fahrenheit (16-18 degrees Celsius). Remember, the plant does not tolerate temperature changes very well.
The Garden Croton container should have a drain hole and a drip tray. You need to repot the young plant every two years, and each time the container should be a little bit larger than the previous one. Codiaeum variegatum needs transplantation until it grows.
Fun fact
The leaves of Garden Croton can have a variety of colors - from yellow and red to dark green, turning into black.
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