The Brazilian rain tree is a hardwood legume that goes by the Latin name Pithecellobium tortum. Like most of its relatives this tree has compound leaves, hardwood and is spiny. Easy indoor care makes this rainforest tree a great bonsai for beginners.
Brazilian rain tree Care
Pithecellobium tortum

The Brazilian Rain Tree is a hardwood tree native to Brazil's rainforests. The Rain Tree has delicate branches and compound leaves with tiny light-green leaflets. The leaves fold up in the evening and open up again in the morning. The fragrant flowers are puffy and white or pinkish. The Brazilian Rain Tree belongs to the legume (Leguminosae) family, together with species including the Acacia, Tamarind and Powder puff. The Rain Tree tolerates dry conditions, however, it prefers to be evenly moist in a container. It likes warm temperatures and full sun in nature, but in a bonsai pot it should be protected from extreme heat and sun during the hottest days of tropical summers.
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How to Care for the Plant
Keep the rootball slightly moist, never let it dry out completely. When the Rain Tree is placed indoors, try to provide extra humidity by spraying or placing the bonsai on a tray with wet gravel.
You will need to apply a regular weekly feeding program with a balanced liquid fertilizer during the growing season and once a month during cooler weather will keep your Brazilian Rain Tree nourished and healthy.
Although it grows in full sun in its natural habitat, Brazilian Rain Trees as bonsai seem to appreciate some shade during hottest days of summer.
A well-draining soil mix is important to avoid root rot.
The Brazilian Rain tree does not tolerate frost. It will tolerate temperatures in the upper 30ºF range but not for a long time and should be brought indoors for the winter. This tree is very adaptable to indoor conditions.
Choose any type of pot with enough drainage holes. Place the container on a tray of pebbles.
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