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Hoya globulosa Care

Hoya globulosa

Other names: Waxflower, Waxplant, Waxvine, Wax Flower Plant

Hoya globulosa main
Hoya globulosa 0
Hoya globulosa 1
What is the plant

Hoya globulosa comes from The Himalayas and it was described in 1882. The plant has rather long leaves, about 11-16 cm long and 3-6 cm wide. The leaves are light green with darker veins and this makes the foliage really nice.

Known as the “Hindu rope plant“, “wax plant” or “wax flower plant”, Hoya plants have been enjoyed for decades, perhaps because fanciers enjoy their easy going as a houseplant indoor dispositions. The name “Hoya” honors Thomas Hoy (17 – 1821), gardener to the Duke of Northumberland and the first to bring this superb house plant into prominence. Native to southern India, highly prized, and the subject of legend. They are classified botanically in the Asclepias (milkweed) family. The exact number of species is a mystery. Bailey’s Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture estimates there are 100 species. Listed at the end of the article are over 550 recognized species.

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Full Sun

Hardiness zone

Hardiness zone

min 10a




How to Care for the Plant

  • Water


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    Keep the soil moist in spring and summer, dry but not to the point of shriveled foliage in winter. In dry climates, more frequent watering may be necessary.

  • Fertilizer


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    In spring Hoya plants react favorably to feeding. Fertilize using a liquid balanced food, about every four weeks, three or four times during the growing season will produce a vigorous growth. Withhold food during the winter.

  • Sunlight


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    A north window providing bright indirect sunlight is a good location. Although the plants do not require direct light, they would not do well away from a window, unless you prefer to grow them under fluorescent grow lights.

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  • Soil


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    A moist, well-drained, light potting soil mix – African violet soil with some added perlite – is a good growing medium.

  • Temperature


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    Give them medium (50°F) to warm temperatures during the growing season—spring and summer. The plants go semi-dormant in winter.

  • Container


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    Choose a container with enough drainage holes. As a part of good Hoya plant care is keeping the roots pot-bound.

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  • Popularity


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    16 people already have this plant 9 people have added this plant to their wishlists

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