The Calico Hearts plant is a beautiful succulent that requires minimal maintenance. It will add color to any indoor or outdoor garden with its mottled, brightly colored leaves and bell-shaped flowers.
Calico Hearts Care
Adromischus maculatus

Calico Hearts (Adromischus maculatus) is a unique, low-growing South African succulent. It is a favorite among novice and experienced gardeners due to its vibrant color and relatively simple maintenance needs. The plant's Latin name, Adromischus maculatus, is derived from the Greek words adros, meaning thick, and mischos, meaning stem.
To identify this plant, search for its fleshy, triangular leaves with a bright pink and mottled green pattern. They gave it the common name Calico Hearts due to its striking markings. The leaves are attached to a stem typically less than 4 inches (10 cm) tall. During the summer, the plant produces small, bell-shaped flowers in shades of white or pink.
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How to Care for the Plant
This plant should be watered approximately once per week, depending on the humidity and temperature. However, it is best to water less frequently during the winter. Between waterings, the soil should be allowed to dry out completely. Overwatering can cause root rot, so it is essential not to overwater.
It does not require pruning, but if the plant has grown too large, you can remove and propagate the top portion. Remove the plant's top beneath the leaves and place it in a container of well-draining soil.
Utilize a balanced, slow-release fertilizer twice yearly, in the spring and fall. Be sure to water the soil before fertilizer application to ensure proper absorption.
This plant prefers indirect, bright light. Place your Calico Heart in a location that receives a minimum of 6 hours of indirect sunlight daily.
When it comes to soil, this succulent prefers slightly acidic, well-draining soil. Typically, a cactus mix is the best option for this succulent. Add perlite or gravel to the mixture to ensure that it will drain quickly.
When you prune the top portion of the plant, allow it to dry for a few days before placing it in a pot of well-draining soil. Keep the soil moist, and the plant should begin to grow.
Temperature is an additional factor to consider when caring for your Calico Heart. This plant can withstand temperatures as low as 40°F (4°C). It would be best if you kept it in a location with bright light but not direct sunlight. The plant feels good in USDA zones 9-11.
A small root system makes it perfect for a shallow container. The material doesn't matter, but make sure that a pot has drainage holes.
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