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Echeveria Dusty Rose Care

Echeveria 'Dusty Rose'

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Echeveria Dusty Rose 1
What is the plant

Echeveria Dusty Rose is a small hybrid succulent that belongs to the Crassulaceae family and is popular due to its unusual appearance that resembles a rose. Interestingly, the country of its origin is unknown, but many believe that it is Mexico since the warm climate is ideal for fast-growing succulents.

Echeveria 'Dusty Rose' is easily identified by its pink-green or light blue fleshy leaves that form a rosette up to 8 inches (20 cm) in diameter and change color depending on lighting conditions. Its edges have a more pronounced pink shade that changes at different temperatures, thereby creating an original image.

Flowering occurs in the spring and not in every specimen, and the flowers themselves are not very expressive and usually have an orange or coral color. As for the shape, it is bell-shaped or flatter and depends on the growing conditions.

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Full Sun



20°C - 26°C

Hardiness zone

Hardiness zone

10a - 11b




How to Care for the Plant

  • Water


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    Water the succulent once every 10 days, making sure that the top layer of soil has time to dry.

  • Pruning


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    Gently remove diseased and wilted leaves from time to time to ensure healthy growth and prevent disease.

  • Fertilizer


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    Usually, the hybrid succulents are not fertilized, but you can feed them from spring to autumn once a month with a special fertilizer for succulents according to the instructions on the package.

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  • Sunlight


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    The succulent needs at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day, so place it in a bright area or near a window.

  • Soil


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    A well-drained potting mix for cacti or succulents is best.

  • Propagation


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    Cut off a healthy leaf with a disinfected blade and set it aside for a few days, then transplant it into well-drained soil.

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  • Temperature


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    The ideal temperature for Echeveria 'Dusty Rose' is 65-80˚F (18-26°C).

  • Container


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    A container of any material that is about 10% larger than the plant and has several drainage holes will do.

  • Fun fact

    Fun fact

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    The name of the succulent came from the fact that its leaves look powdery while the pink color appears.

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  • Popularity


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    89 people already have this plant 36 people have added this plant to their wishlists

Plant ID


Disease ID
