Tillandsia caput-medusae is a species of flowering plant in the bromeliad family, Bromeliaceae, subfamily Tillandsioideae. Common names include octopus plant and medusa's head. An epiphyte is native to Central America and Mexico.
Octopus plant Care
Tillandsia caput-medusae

This species is a flowering air plant from the bromeliads family and is one of the most popular of the Tillandsia genus. The Caput Medusae is a very strange looking specimen that is unlike many indoor plants in looks and how it's grown. In their natural habitat they grow on trees (epiphyte) with a very small amount of roots, which help the plant to become established rather than feed or absorb water. While most plants absorb nutrients and water from roots these take the majority of them from the air (which is why they are named air plants) through the leaves. Scales (trichomes) on the leaves absorb water from humid air and air-borne nutrients.
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How to Care for the Plant
Water by misting with a sprayer frequently during the summer, but do not allow the bulbous to get very wet and remain that way, otherwise this may cause the base to rot. Allow the plant to dry out then give it a good misting again, which could be once a day depending on the climate and weather conditions you have. Winter much less. You can also give the plant a good soak with a watering can once a month, without allowing the bulbous to become waterlogged, using distilled or filtered tepid water. Because the caput is an air-plant it likes quite humid conditions. It does not like dry artificial heat, so if you bump up your heating during the winter remember to provide your plant with enough air and water spray.
While misting the Medusa's head plant you can add a weak diluted fertilizer from spring - summer, twice a month.
Bright conditions with shade is ideal. Some direct sunlight seems to be fine, but not all day and scorching hot. Some morning or evening sun, with shade at other times is great.
The C. medusae doesn`r require any soil for growing.
Average to high temperatures help the Caput Medusae to flower, from 65° - 86°F (18°- 30 °C). Keep the minimum no lower than 55°F (°12C) indoors or outside.
The C. medusae needs to be mounted on wood (large branch), rock, cork, within a plant holder or something similar - placed horizontal, upside down or upright.
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