The Celosia Dragon’s Breath is a low-maintenance annual plant that will add an intense pop of color to your garden design. With bright red colored plumes, this plant will surely stun your neighbors. The plumes from this plant are also wonderful to add to dried flower bouquets and seasonal decorations.
Celosia ’Dragon’s Breath’ Care
Celosia argentea plumosa 'Dragon's Breath'

Originally from Nepal and India, this beautiful plant is a common sight in gardens everywhere. It is often referred to as “Plume Celosia,” “Feathered Amaranth,” or “Plumd Cockscomb.” You can grow this plant annually or as a perennial if you live in the right climate.
Celosia Plumosa grows unique cone-like blooms that are known as plumes. They are feathery and soft to the touch. These blooms grow 4-10 inches (10-25 cm) long, depending on the size and age of your plant. If you keep Celosias in your garden, be ready to welcome butterflies and pollinators into your garden!
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How to Care for the Plant
Celosias can easily grow in containers as long as these containers meet a few requirements. Repotting your Celosias when you purchase them is generally recommended, since they are often sold in small pots. Choose a spacious container that has drainage holes for the best results.
Celosias are also wonderful flowers to add to an outdoor arrangement!Fun fact
In their natural habitat in Asia, this plant is considered an invasive weed due to its vigorous, fast growth pattern. Their blooms are hermaphroditic, which means that they can easily reproduce itself. This causes the plant to spread very fast, and when they are not controlled, they can take over natural vegetation in the blink of an eye!
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