Sedum divergens is a sprawling succulent with branched stems that root at the nodes and glossy green or reddish-green leaves. It grows up to 4 inches (10 cm) tall and spreads to several feet across. Leaves are fleshy, rounded, up to 0.4 inches (1 cm) long, and arranged neatly in opposite pairs. Flowers are yellow, star-shaped, and appear in summer above the foliage.
Sedum Divergens Care
Sedum Divergens S. Watson

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How to Care for the Plant
Sedums are succulents and very drought tolerant. Keep newly planted sedums well-watered the first year. Once established, they should grow fine without any additional watering.
Sedums can be pruned in early summer to reduce their height. Pinch off the growth point to make a bushier plant. However, this will delay flowering. Trim creeping sedums in spring only if they are growing into unwanted areas or to shape the plant.
Sedums tolerate low-fertility soils. A soil too rich in nitrogen can cause clumping plants to flop and flower later.
Sedums like a very well-drained soil with a neutral to slightly alkaline pH. Wet, heavy clay can lead to root and stem rot.
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