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Lemon Surprise Dracena Care

Dracena 'lemon Surprise'

Lemon Surprise Dracena main
Lemon Surprise Dracena 0
Lemon Surprise Dracena 1
What is the plant

Dracaena Lemon Surprise is a tropical plant with upright canes and dark green, chartreuse, and white leaves, but the leaves have a slight twist or curl, giving this houseplant a little extra interest. Landscape Attributes. Dracaena Lemon Surprise is a tropical, upright evergreen that adds height and drama to interior plantings.

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Full Sun



20°C - 25°C

Hardiness zone

Hardiness zone

10 - 12






Cold Period




How to Care for the Plant

  • Water


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    Dracaenas require even moisture, good soil drainage, and cannot tolerate standing water. Your Dracaena Lemon Lime will tolerate low light but will thrive in medium to bright spots. Water your Dracaena when it appears the pot is getting dry, about once every 7-10 days. Watering frequency will depend on the amount of light and humidity around the plant.

  • Pruning


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    As your lemon-lime dracaena grows and sheds its lower leaves, trim them away to keep your plant looking tidy. If your plant grows taller than the space you have for it, you can always prune the stem at any point below the top rosette of leaves. The bare stem without any foliage attached may look harsh, but dracaena plants are very forgiving, and yours will soon produce more leaves. You can even press the top stem of the plant that you pruned into potting mix, keeping the medium evenly moist, and this top part will develop roots and form a new plant.

  • Fertilizer


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    Lemon-lime dracaena does not have a high fertility need, particularly if you use a potting mix that already contains a slow-release fertilizer. If you’re using a potting mix that does not contain fertilizer, choose a water-soluble fertilizer that’s formulated for foliage houseplants. Follow all label directions and recommendations, which may include diluting the product to half strength for dracaena plants. Generally, you’ll fertilize your plant when it’s actively growing in spring and summer and reduce or withhold fertilizer during fall and winter.

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  • Sunlight


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    Full sun, partial shade.

  • Soil


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    Perform well in most types of soil.

  • Temperature


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    Provide good air circulation, with temperatures between 65 (18 °C) to 75 F (23 °C) and nighttime temperatures between 50 t(10°C) to 60 F (15 °C).

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  • Popularity


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    480 people already have this plant 91 people have added this plant to their wishlists

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