Very popular, Mandevilla x amabilis 'Alice du Pont' is a semi-evergreen, woody, twining climber with sprays of up to 20 large, bright icy pink, funnel-shaped flowers, up to 4 in. across (10 cm), with a deep red throat. Blooming periodically in summer, the blossoms contrast against the lush foliage of slightly wrinkled, oval, shiny flowers.
Mandivillia Du Pont Care
Mandevilla X Amabilis 'alice Du Pont'

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How to Care for the Plant
Keep mandevilla well-watered.
If you're short on bright light or space, you can bring the mandevilla indoors and store it in a dormant state. Put the plant in the sink and drench the soil thoroughly to wash out pests that may be lurking in the potting mix, then cut it back to about 10 inches (25 cm.).
Fertilize once in spring with a balanced.
Full sun, partial shade.
Grow in well-drained, moderately fertile soil in a sheltered, sunny site. Protect in winter in cold areas.
Tender plant – may be damaged or killed by low temperature.
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