They are trees or shrubs; with terete to sub-square distal twigs, variously hairy to glabrous. Leaves mostly 5-25 cm, chartaceous to subcoriaceous, whole to toothed, undulate-denticulate or serrulate. Flowers 4-12-mere and typically polystane, in terminal or subterminal panicles (rarely pseudo-axillary), multifloral, bract. Hypanthic domed, campanulate, or hemispherical, glabrous inside and typically thick-walled; calyx calyptriform, circumcisile at or near the base at anthesis.
Clidemia Ombrophila Care
Clidemia Ombrophila
Other names: Rainforest Clidemia

What is the plant
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How to Care for the Plant
Water only occasionally.
Cut back perennials after each flush of bloom.
It develops well both under full sun or partial shade, though i found it producing better fruits in darker places.
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Grows in fertile soils.
Ideal temperatures should be approximately 65-75ºF + (18-24ºC +), closer to 70ºF is best.
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