Columbines, the classic garden perennial, typically nod downward, but the members of the Songbird series face upward, so you can enjoy their blooms as you walk through the garden. 'Blue Bird' produces clusters of large 3", light blue and white bicolor blossoms.
Songbird Bluebird Columbine Care
Aquilegia Songbird Bluebird

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How to Care for the Plant
Keep the plants moist following columbine planting until well established. Then only weekly watering is necessary with exception to extended periods of drought in which they will require additional watering.
Pruning columbine plants back to the basal foliage just after blooming can usually help alleviate any problems with insect pests as well. You may even be lucky enough to get a second set of stem growth within a few weeks so that you may enjoy another wave of blooms.
They can be grown in full sun or partial shade, though light shade will prolong the flowering time.
Columbine is easy to grow in loose, average to rich, well-drained soil. Avoid heavy or soggy soils--drainage is key!
60-80°F (16-27°C). Not frost resistant.
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