Mammillaria magnimamma is a perennial globose plant reaching a height of 15–30 cm and a diameter of about 13 cm. At first it grows solitary, but later forms large clumps rising above ground level. Tubercules are four-sided, with latex and the axils have dense white wool. The radial spines are 2 - 5, quite variable and unequal, with dark tips, 15 – 45 mm long. Flowers are pink or white cream with reddish midveins and a diameter of 20 – 25 mm. They bloom in mid Spring. Fruits are club shaped, dark red, about 20 mm long, and contain little brown seeds.
Mammillaria Toluca Care
Mammillaria Magnimamma

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How to Care for the Plant
Mammillaria elongata has typical water needs for a succulent. It's best to use the “soak and dry” method, and allow the soil to dry out completely between waterings. In the winter when it is dormant, water only sparingly, if at all, to prevent rot.
You can fertilize your Mammillaria with a specially formulated cactus fertilizer or a very weak solution of houseplant fertilizer that is low in nitrogen and high in potassium and phosphorus. Don't overfeed your cactus as this will encourage green growth and discourage blooming.
Indoors a south facing window is ideal. Outdoors, place them in a spot where they will get plenty of sun exposure. If you are growing this plant outdoors be sure to provide it with light shade to protect it from intense, peak afternoon sun.
Toluca' require a small well-draining shallow container, cactus mix or a blend of potting soil and sand, and moderately dry soil except during the growing season. The light should be bright but not of the hottest, searing rays of midday.
Mammillaria polythele 'Toluca' do best in high temperatures and low humidity. Ideal temperatures are above 70 ºF. These plants should be brought indoors when nighttime temperatures fall below 50 ºF. They are a little frost hardy down to 32ºF.
Toluca' require a small well-draining shallow container.
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