Prospero autumnale, the autumn squill, an autumnal flowering plant of the family Asparagaceae, subfamily Scilloideae, is found in the Mediterranean region from Portugal and Morocco east to Turkey and the Caucasus, plus Great Britain. Despite being classified as a single species, it is actually a cryptic species complex, with a variety of cytotypes having been discovered which are phenotypically indisguishable from each other.
Autumn Squill Care
Prospero Autumnale

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How to Care for the Plant
Water as needed to keep the soil slightly moist but never soggy.
Use a fertilizer for blooming plants. Follow the direction on the label.
The silver squill will require some access to bright sun (for at least three to four hours per day), but it should remain indirect.
MoistureMoist but well-drained, Well-drained. SoilChalk, Loam, Sand, pHAcid, Alkaline, Neutral.
They will do best when ambient temperatures are hovering at 60 degrees or higher; just be sure that if you have a cold winter, that the plant is moved indoors.
Plant scilla bulbs 3 to 4” deep and 3 to 4” apart on center.
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