Thalictrum pubescens, commonly known as tall meadow rue, is a rhizomatous, clump-forming perennial that typically grows to 3-7’ tall and to 3’ wide. It is typically found growing in rich woods, low thickets, marshes, swamps, wet meadows and stream/river banks.
Thalictrum Pubescens Care
Thalictrum Pubescens

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How to Care for the Plant
It prefers moist soil, especially on semi-shaded and shaded sites. It is common near lakeshores and on the banks of watercourses (flood plains and along the water's edge), but it also grows in moist fields and clearings, in ditches and along roadsides
Cut back if flowering if leaves are untiday.
No fertilizer was applied.
Partial Shade
Moist soils
Thalictrum pubescens, commonly known as tall meadow rue, is a rhizomatous, clump-forming perennial that typically grows to 3-7' tall and to 3' wide.
Facts. Flowering later than early meadow-rue, tall meadow-rue is also much larger in stature. The Iroquois used this plant expernally to treat nosebleeds, and internally to treat gall conditions. The Montagnais used the leaves as a spice to flavor salmon.
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