Dianthus Early Bird Frosty is a diminutive charmer that sends up fragrant, double white flowers above a carpet of gray-green, grassy foliage. With deadheading, it’s a long-bloomer that graces the garden with flowers from spring to fall. Dianthus is a large genus of more than 200 species, mostly from Europe and Asia, that includes the beloved Pinks, Carnations, and Sweet Williams. They should be planted in well-drained soil with a pH close to neutral (7.0).
Early Bird Frosty Dianthus Care
Early Bird Frosty Dianthus

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How to Care for the Plant
Average Water Needs; Water regularly; do not overwater
Shear back flower stems after the first wave of bloom to encourage repeat bloom (rebloom is not dependable in the South). Most varieties are evergreen; do not cut back in fall. Prune away winterkill stems in spring.
USDA Zone 5 (-20°F or -28°C)
They make excellent subjects for window boxes, baskets or planters. Dianthus EARLY BIRDâ„¢ Frosty 'Wp10 Ven06' features wonderfully fragrant large double blooms, pure white in color carried on sturdy stems.
Parts of plant are poisonous if ingested. Dianthus EARLY BIRDâ„¢ Frosty 'Wp10 Ven06' features wonderfully fragrant large double blooms, pure white in color carried on sturdy stems.
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