Dicentra canadensis, the squirrel corn, is a flowering plant from eastern North America with oddly shaped white flowers and finely divided leaves. Squirrel corn has small yellow clustered bulblets (looking roughly like kernels of corn), finely dissected leaves, and white heart-shaped flowers. It is a spring ephemeral, leafing out and flowering in spring and going dormant in summer.
Dicentra Canadensis Care
Dicentra Canadensis

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How to Care for the Plant
Keep plants well-watered throughout the summer, especially in warmer weather. Even then, they may be ephemeral and disappear until the fall or next spring.
If desired, remove faded or dead foliage.
Bleeding heart flower care includes regular fertilization of the growing plant. When foliage emerges in spring, time-release plant food may be worked into the soil around the plant, as may additional compost. This is an important step in growing bleeding hearts, as it encourages more and longer-lasting blooms.
Rich, evenly moist, and well-drained
USDA hardiness zone 3a to 8b: from −40 °F (−40 °C) to 20 °F (−6.7 °C).
This plant has low severity poison characteristics. Squirrel Corn lives primarily in deciduous moist woods or among rock outcrops often in mountainous areas. It is a perennial forb.
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