They are terrestrial orchids that in their natural setting would be found growing on the forest floor. They are known for their foliage, which is often velvety deep maroon with red veins that run parallel to the centre of the leaf. Flowers are white with twisting yellow columns. Individual flowers are small but grow in clusters on upright stalks. Flowers in cultivation last a month or more.
Golden Jewel Orchid Care
Ludisia Discolor - Jewel Orchid.
Other names: Anoectochilus Setaceus

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How to Care for the Plant
Keep them extremely moist and mist them regularly. Letting these plants dry out is an easy way to kill them.
To take a cutting, choose a stem where there are a cluster of leaves + chop a few centimetres below that point. Be sure to use a sterile blade to do this to risk causing any infection to the plant, or contamination from other plant care (+ always clean the blade after use!).
These plants should regularly be fed with a balanced, diluted fertilizer like a 20-20-20. If their blooms are insufficient, then up their feeding.
Jewel orchids are not tolerant of frost. Soil: A good orchid potting mix should be fine, ideally one that contains some organic material. Make sure the drainage is good to avoid rotting their roots. Fertilizer: These plants should regularly be fed with a balanced, diluted fertilizer like a 20-20-20.
Temperature: Warm tropical temperatures above 50 degrees F. Jewel orchids are not tolerant of frost. Soil: A good orchid potting mix should be fine, ideally one that contains some organic material. Make sure the drainage is good to avoid rotting their roots.
Unlike some Orchids, the Jewel Orchid is not toxic to pets or people.
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