The beautiful El Choco Red (Philodendron rubrijuvenilum), scientifically renamed in 2021, is a relatively rare plant that fetches high prices for seeds and juvenile plants!
Philodendron El Choco Red Care
Philodendron rubrijuvenilum

This exotic Philodendron hails from the Choco region of Columbia, hence the name! Its scientific name refers to its juvenile leaves, which are bright red before they mature into their dark green adult leaves. Easy to identify in this stage, the El Choco Red has heart-shaped leaves that are velvety to the touch.
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How to Care for the Plant
The El Choco Red is found in one of the world's wettest regions, Columbia! This wetland paradise is constantly swimming in the water, but surprisingly, this plant does not prefer to be soaked! Watering needs to be done only when the top 2 inches (0.050m) of soil are completely dry. Be careful not to splash the leaves, as wet leaves are prone to pests and disease!
Like most Philodendrons, the El Choco Red does not need to be pruned. You can cut back dead or yellow leaves to keep them neat-looking.
You'll only need to fertilize monthly during the spring and summer growth months. Be sure to use the directed amount on the bag, as Philodendrons are susceptible to fertilizer burn.
This tropical plant prefers indirect sunlight and will do best in east-facing windows. You'll know if your plant is not receiving enough light as it will lose its vibrancy and grow very slowly.
A well-draining potting soil with perlite & orchid bark will keep your plant very happy!
Seed propagation for this plant is a long and complicated process. We recommend using stem cuttings from a healthy, mature El Choco Red plant.
The El Choco Red does not tolerate the cold and prefers a humidity of at least 60% with temperatures between 65-85°F (18-29°C).
Terracotta pots are the best for this plant. Make sure they have drainage holes, as this plant does not like to be wet.
Fun fact
Before it was called the El Choco Red, this plant was originally named Philodendron Triumphans/ sp. nov. Choco Red when it was first discovered in 1898.
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