Scleranthus biflorus is a cushion-bush found in Australia and New Zealand. Other common names include the knawel and two-flowered knawel. A common plant in grassland, particularly at higher altitudes. It may be in the form of a mat. Or a multi branched, spreading perennial herb. This species is under review, and new taxa are planned.
Scleranthus Biflorus Care
Scleranthus Biflorus

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How to Care for the Plant
It is a plant that does not like to dry out, neither does it like to be water logged.
Not generally required.
Fertiliser can be used however a low phosphate native plant fertiliser is required.
Clay, Loamy, Sandy loam, Clay loam, Potting mix
Keep at a constant temperature of between 59-68F (15-20C). After sowing, do not exclude light as this helps germination.
This plant looks spectacular in either containers or in rockery displays as under planting amongst Cordylines, Grasses and Astelias.
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