The plants may be herbs, shrublets, shrubs or trees, herbaceous, woody or succulent, but are always characterized by conspicuous milky latex. Leaves in the succulent species are usually reduced or deciduous. Stipules are usually present, often modified into prickles and spines.
Euphorbia Candelabrum Care
Euphorbia Candelabrum

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How to Care for the Plant
In its natural habitat, Euphorbia ingens can survive long droughts. In fact, it is more of a desert plant. Therefore, it is advisable to limit watering to once every two weeks. As the temperature starts to drop in the second half of the year, reduce watering to once a month.
Pruning group 1
Fertilize with a cactus mineral fertilizer once in spring and again in early summer.
Since the Candelabra tree enjoy light, it is advisable to choose a sunny spot where it can get loads of light.
This succulent tree Euphorbia prefers well-draining dry soil.
It does not mind the heat and, like most other succulents, can even survive long periods of drought. Therefore, it is important to make sure the plant remains consistently warm, enjoying temperatures ranging from 74° – 82° degrees Fahrenheit.
Euphorbia candelabrum are succulent house plants that are fairly uniform in size and shape. The distinctive shape resembles a candelabra, hence the name.
Dangers. When structural damage occurs, Euphorbia candelabrum trees release an abundant amount of milky-white latex, which has a rubber content of 12.5%. This latex is extremely toxic due to its skin irritant and carcinogenic diterpene derivatives, mainly phorbol esters. The Euphorbia candelabra tree is a succulent plant that grows into a tree having a short thick trunk and grey bark. It also goes by the common names cowboy cactus, good luck cactus. The foliage is rudimentary and ephemeral.
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