Lophophora williamsii is a small cactus that comes from Mexico, does not have thorns, and also contains psychoactive substances. The name "peyote" comes from the Spanish "peyōtl" and means "caterpillar cocoon". The first mention of the plant dates back to 1845, when the famous French botanist Charles Antoine Lemaire described it in his book, and later in 1894, Peyote was assigned to the genus Lophophora by the American botanist and educator John Merle Coulter.
Peyote Care
Lophophora williamsii

Lophophora williamsii can be identified by its clustered green, yellow, or red shoots that grow up to 7 cm (2.76 in) tall.
Flowers open during the day and have a pink, white, red, or yellowish color. Behind the flowers are fruits of an elongated shape, which are pink in color when young, and brownish-white when mature. The seeds contained in the fruits are black and pear-shaped.
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How to Care for the Plant
During the growing season, water the plant with filtered water 1-2 times a week, and in the winter period, limit the watering frequency. Make sure that the soil does not dry out and remains slightly moist.
Lophophora williamsii does not require pruning, but you can carefully remove dead branches and flowers.
Use a liquid fertilizer once a month during the growing season and a slow-release fertilizer if you are transplanting the plant.
Provide sufficient sunlight by placing the plant on a sunny window or balcony, and during intense heat; it is recommended to place the plant in partial shade.
The soil should be well-drained and rich in nutrients and gravel. The soil must pass oxygen because its lack can cause the roots to rot.
Cut off the side stem with a sterilized blade and plant it in the soil. After a shoot of the desired size grows, it can be transplanted.
The best temperature for plant growth is 68-95˚F (20-35°C). At lower values, the plant goes into a state of rest, and its growth slows down.
There are no special requirements for choosing a container; the main thing is that it has a sufficient number of drainage holes.
Fun fact
Peyote was actively used by various peoples thousands of years ago, in particular, the cactus was found in tombs and on rock paintings, and the Aztecs believed that it helped to communicate with the dead.
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