Hyophorbe lagenicaulis (Bottle Palm) is a picturesque evergreen palm with a smooth, pale gray to almost white trunk resembling a rounded bottle when young. As the palm ages, the swollen base becomes less pronounced and elongated. A moderate grower, Bottle Palm is drought and salt tolerant.
Hyophorbe Iagenica Care
Hyophorbe Iagenica

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How to Care for the Plant
The bottle palm needs average, regular watering. In general, keep the root ball and soil moist, but be careful not to overwater, especially potted. Occasional, short periods of dryness will not harm the plant, but should be avoided.
Bottle trees are not self-cleaning, but wait until the weather warms up to trim off dead leaves, which can provide further insulation during the winter months.
When in a rich soil, a quality palm fertilizer may be applied twice per year during the growing season. In poorer conditions, a fertilizer with extra micronutrients and trace elements should be applied three times per year.
Non-Toxic to Dogs
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