Smilax tamnoides is a climbing, prickly vine that supports itself on other vegetation. Flowers are green to brown, small but numerous in umbels; fruits blue to black without the waxy coating common on many other species of the genus.
Smilax Tamnoides Care
Smilax Tamnoides

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How to Care for the Plant
Medium to wet
Regular pruning for the smilax vine is necessary to keep it in shape and control. Also, the removal of dead plant parts should be regularly done to be less susceptible to pests and diseases. In addition, training the vine is done to keep it in the desired height and shape. However, training the vine may hinder the plant’s flower production.
Fertilized female flowers give way to blue-black, glaucous berries that ripen in late summer to fall
Unfortunately the berries are very poisonous to nearly all animals and especially humans. The leaves and bark are also poisonous and so it is very insect unfriendly!
Hardy to about -20°c[200]. Dioecious. Male and female plants must be grown if seed is required.
Though we normally grow them on in pots for 2 years.
Whichever Smilax species it might be, I could find no entry in any toxic plant database for any species in the genus Smilax. The Botanical Dermatology Database lists the only possible injury from any Smilax species as being a mechanical injury from the thorns. Smilax tamnoides is a climbing, prickly vine that supports itself on other vegetation. Flowers are green to brown, small but numerous in umbels; fruits blue to black without the waxy coating common on many other species of the genus.
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